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The college was founded by decision of the Council of People’s Commissars of the North Caucasus Territory, with the name «Taganrog Boiler-Making College» (according to the archival certificate of the State Archive of the Rostov Region).

In accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Heavy Engineering dated July 2, 1946. No. 434 Taganrog Boiler-Making College was renamed Taganrog Mechanical Engineering College.

By order of the Ministry of Heavy Machinery No. 328 of June 26, 1990, the Taganrog Mechanical Engineering College was renamed the Taganrog Mechanical Engineering College.

By order of the State Committee for Higher Education No. 507 dated May 24, 1994, the Taganrog Mechanical Engineering College was renamed the Taganrog Polytechnic College.

By order of the DSTU No. 12 of March 23. In 2010, the Taganrog Polytechnic College of the State Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education was renamed into the Taganrog Polytechnic College — a branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «DSTU».

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1707 dated May 23, 2011, the Taganrog Polytechnic College was renamed the Taganrog Polytechnic College (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «DSTU».

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2012 No. 760, the Taganrog Polytechnic College (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Don State Technical University» was liquidated.

In connection with the liquidation of the TPK DSTU, the renaming of the DSTU branch in Taganrog into the Taganrog Polytechnic Institute — a branch of DSTU (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated September 25, 2012 No. 760), the Polytechnic College became part of the structure of the institute.

By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2015 No. 1247, TPI — a branch of DSTU was renamed into the Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «Don State Technical University» in Taganrog, Rostov region.


© 2025 Website of the PI (branch) of DSTU in Taganrog