Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Sciences

E-mail structural division:
Location: Rostov region, 347904, Taganrog, Petrovskaya st., 109-a, office 221
Contact phone number: 8(8634)62-34-14
Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
38.03.01 Economy

Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area 38.03.02 Management
Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
40.03.01 Jurisprudence

Борисова Анна Анатольевна
Borisova Anna Anatolyevna
Head of the Department, Associate Professor

Литвинова Виктория Юрьевна
Litvinova Victoria Yurievna
Associate Professor

Калякина Инесса Македоновна
Kalyakina Inessa Makedonovna
Associate Professor

Бондаренко Надежда Юрьевна
Bondarenko Nadezhda Yurievna
Associate Professor

Чернова Татьяна Васильевна
Chernova Tatyana Vasilyevna
Associate Professor

Хорешман Вера Сергеевна
Khoreshman Vera Sergeevna
Associate Professor

Шевкуненко Евгения Игоревна
Shevkunenko Evgeniya Igorevna
The clerk

Карпенко Антон Геннадьевич
Karpenko Anton Gennadievich
Senior Lecturer

Грунтовская Ольга Александровна
Gruntovskaya Olga Alexandrovna
Senior Lecturer

The GiSEN Department implements three areas of training:

The direction of training: 38.03.01 Economy
Profile: The economics of the organization
The level of education: Higher education.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program
The educational program «Economics of an organization» allows you to master a set of knowledge about the principles and patterns of organization functioning, planning and management methods; acquire skills in collecting and analyzing data necessary for conducting economic calculations, evaluating them, interpreting the results obtained and substantiating conclusions, drawing up economic sections of plans and business plans.

The direction of training: 38.03.02 Management
Profile: Management of the organization
The level of education: Higher education.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program
The management of an organization forms a wide range of competencies in various functional areas of management, which allows it to meet modern standards of organizations, quickly adapt to changing conditions of the external and internal environment, work in teams, manage them. This program allows you to master the theory and practice of management, as well as acquire skills in using management tools and the ability to apply its methods to manage organizations using modern information technologies.

The direction of training: 40.03.01 Jurisprudence
Profile: Civil law
The level of education: Higher education.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program
The civil law profile involves obtaining in-depth knowledge in the field of legal support for civil, housing, family, labor and social security relations, corporate law, contractual legal relations and control over their implementation, challenging transactions in court, etc.

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