Department of Technical Service and Information Technology

E-mail structural division:
Location:Rostov region, 347904, Taganrog, Petrovskaya, 109-a, office 230a (the office of the head of the department), auditorium 224 (teaching).
Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
09.03.02 Information systems and technologies

Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
09.03.01 Computer Science and Engineering

Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
23.03.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes

Иванова Наталья Александровна
Ivanova Natalia Alexandrovna
I.O. Head of the Department, Associate Professor

Заргарян Елена Валерьевна
Zargaryan Elena Valeryevna
Associate professor

Власов Алексей Сергеевич
Vlasov Alexey Sergeevich
Associate professor

Павлова Марина Николаевна
Pavlova Marina Nikolaevna
Associate professor

Пирожков Сергей Сергеевич
Pirozhkov Sergey Sergeevich
Associate professor

Гордиенко Лариса Владимировна
Gordienko Larisa Vladimirovna
Associate professor

Куликов Дмитрий Константинович
Kulikov Dmitry Konstantinovich
Associate professor

Шкуркин Дмитрий Владимирович
Shkurkin Dmitry Vladimirovich
Associate professor

Шестаков Александр Валентинович
Shestakov Alexander Valentinovich
Associate professor

Ревко-Линардато Павел Сергеевич
Revko-Linardato Pavel Sergeevich
Associate professor

Сингх Санни
Singh Sunny
Senior lecturer, clerk

Петренко Андрей Александрович
Petrenko Andrey Alexandrovich
Senior lecturer

Ганциевский Александр Вячеславович
Gantsievsky Alexander Vyacheslavovich
Senior lecturer

The department of «TSiIT» implements three areas of training:

The direction of training: 09.03.02 Information systems and technologies
Profile: Information systems and technologies
The level of education: Higher education.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program
The program provides training for professional personnel whose activities are aimed at research, development, implementation and maintenance of information technologies and systems. As a result of mastering the educational program, graduates receive design skills (the ability to carry out technical and operational design, modeling of processes and systems, etc.). The use of active teaching methods ensures the formation of students not only professional competencies, but also the ability to work in a team, the development of leadership qualities. The acquired professional knowledge and skills enable graduates of the program to work in the field of small business, independently organize the creation of products in demand on the market.

The direction of training: 09.03.01 Computer Science and Engineering
Profile: Computer Science and Engineering
The level of education: Higher education.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program
Training in the profile «Computer Science and Computer Engineering» allows you to predict the high demand for graduates in various fields of IT, telecommunications and communications. This is due to the practice-oriented approach in teaching students and the list of subjects studied. During the study period, students gain sufficient knowledge in programming, database administration, operating system administration, information security and network technologies, which allows them to determine the future direction of professional activity by the middle of the 3rd year.

The direction of training: 23.03.03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes
Profile: Service and operation of motor vehicles
The level of education: Higher education.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program
Modern educational technologies and software are used in the implementation of the educational program. Specialized classrooms are equipped with appropriate laboratory equipment for practical, laboratory and other classes, and portable multimedia complexes are also available at the department. Modern teaching methods are used in the learning process, such as project activities, situation modeling, working in small groups and others.

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