Location: Rostov region, 347904, Taganrog, Petrovskaya st., 109-а
Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
09.02.04 Information systems (by industry)
Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
09.02.05 Applied Computer Science (by industry)
Andrian Oksana Vyacheslavovna
Post Chairman of the CMC, teacher |
Andriyan Ivan Vasilyevich
Post Teacher |
Pogorelov Alexey Andreevich
Post Teacher |
Mikhailovich Elena Vladimirovna
Post Teacher |
Filonova Ekaterina Sergeevna
Post Teacher |
Zamkova Lyubov Ivanovna
Post Teacher |
Gantsievsky Alexander Vyacheslavovich
Post Teacher |
Alexander Valentinovich Shestakov
Post Teacher |
Supko Yulia Timofeevna
Post Teacher |
Zhukovsky Vadim Viktorovich
Post Teacher |
Galushko Mikhail Evgenievich
Post Teacher |
Yastrebov Andrey Alexandrovich
Post Teacher |
The direction of training: 09.02.04 Information systems (by industry)
Profile: Information systems (by industry) — on the basis of basic general education
The level of education: Secondary vocational education is a program for training middle-level specialists.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program
The direction of training: 09.02.05 Applied Computer Science (by industry)
Profile: Applied Computer Science (by industry) — on the basis of basic general education
The level of education: Secondary vocational education is a program for training middle-level specialists.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program
The direction of training: 09.02.07 Information systems and programming
Profile: Information systems and programming — on the basis of basic general education
The level of education: Secondary vocational education is a program for training middle-level specialists.
Documents of the educational program
Information systems and programming are a modern and promising specialty in the era of deepening digitalization of the economy and society.
Graduates of the specialty 09.02.07 Information Systems and programming can receive the following qualifications:
1) «Developer of web and multimedia applications» are specialists who work in various organizations on the creation and maintenance of websites, multimedia and interactive applications, information resources.
2) «Information Systems Specialist» is a professional who has knowledge and skills in the field of design, development, implementation, testing and support of information systems. Specialists can work in various organizations and industries where information technology is used.