Department of Mechanical Engineering

E-mail structural division:
Location: Rostov region, 347904, Taganrog, Petrovskaya st., 109-a, office 118
Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
15.03.01 Mechanical engineering

Detailed information about the personal composition of teaching staff implementing the training area
15.03.05 Design and technological support of machine-building industries

Толмачёва Лариса Владимировна
Tolmacheva Larisa Vladimirovna
Head of the Department

Новоселова Татьяна Васильевна
Novoselova Tatyana Vasilyevna
Senior Lecturer

Чернега Юрий Геннадьевич
Chernega Yuri Gennadievich
Senior Lecturer

Телеш Андрей Дмитриевич
Telesh Andrey Dmitrievich
Associate professor

Лаптев Владимир Владимирович
Laptev Vladimir Vladimirovich
Associate professor

Палий Александр Викторович
Paliy Alexander Viktorovich
Associate professor

Акундимов Юрий Павлович
Akundimov Yuri Pavlovich
Associate professo

Ильницкий Михаил Иванович
Ilnitsky Mikhail Ivanovich
Associate professo

Новосёлов Сергей Анатольевич
Novoselov Sergey Anatolievich
The clerk

The Department of Mechanical Engineering implements two areas of training:

The direction of training: 15.03.01 Mechanical engineering
Profile: Welding production equipment and technologies
The level of education: Higher education.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program

The direction of training: 15.03.05 Design and technological support of machine-building industries
Profile: Mechanical engineering technology
The level of education: Higher education.
Information about the personal composition of the teaching staff of each implemented educational program
Documents of the educational program

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